岡山藩郡代津田永忠の事績を、岡山世界遺産に !


― 岡山に世界遺産が誕生 ―

(一社)岡山藩郡代 津田永忠顕彰会
代表理事 小嶋光信


この快挙の原点は、元岡山県農林水産部長で(一財)岡山農山村地域研究所 代表理事の村上進通さんのアイデアで、昨年1月30日に来社されて倉安川を世界かんがい施設遺産に登録申請したいという提案から始まりました。



平成19年に岡山藩郡代 津田永忠顕彰会が提唱し、岡山県が「近世岡山の文化・土木遺産群-岡山藩郡代津田永忠の事績」として世界文化遺産登録を目指しましたが、当時、土木遺産が世界文化遺産という認識が国に薄く、辛うじて「閑谷学校」が世界教育遺産としてスタンバイされることになりました。


申請にあたっては農業分野の権威である千葉喬三先生を会長に、関わりのある団体方とともに「倉安川・百間川 世界かんがい施設遺産協議会」を結成し、実質的な副会長の村上さんが事務局兼よろず承り係として頑張られて勝ち得た素晴らしい成果です。申請にあたっては学術的な面でのチェックに岡山大学 名誉教授の馬場俊介先生にもお力添え頂きました。





irst World Heritage Site in Okayama - Kurayasu and Hyakken rivers, etc. become "World Heritage Irrigation Structures

September 6, 2019
Okayama Clan Nagatada Tsuda study group
Chairman Mitsunobu Kojima

The Kurayasu and Hyakken rivers, which are part of Nagatada Tsuda's civil engineering heritage group application that aimed to make them World Cultural Heritage, were registered as World Heritage Irrigation Structures on September 4, 2019.

It began with the idea of Mr.Murakami, former Director of the Okayama Prefectural Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Regional Research Institute, with a proposal to apply for registration of the Kurayasu river as a World Heritage Site.

In fact, at that time I didn’t expect that we would succeed.

When I looked into it, I found that the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), which is headquartered in Delhi, India, is the authority that certifies and registers sites that contribute to the appropriate understanding of historical facilities. In order to qualify, it should be over 100 years since construction and needs to be a historically and technically valuable facility.

In 2007, the Nagatada Tsuda study group tried to get a World Cultural Heritage registration. With "The Okayama Cultural and Civil Engineering Heritage Group" we tried this through Okayama Prefecture. However, at that time, there was not much recognition for civil engineering heritage in Japan. "Shizutani School" was barely a standby on the list of World Educational Heritage Sites. This attempt failed.

When I heard from Mr.Murakami about the civil engineering heritage category, I realized what we could do. This is exactly what Nagatada Tsuda’s legacy was about. I promised him support and cooperation from our group. Although the Kurayasu river and Yoshii Suimon (Water Gate) are rather small on a world scale, they are located in one of the largest monsoon zones in the world. The Okishinden irrigation and drainage functions take up 1,900 choubu(about 1,884 hectares).

Explanation of a Japanese saying

An old Japanese saying is “Iseki-nichou”, to kill two birds with one stone. Now, our chairman, Mr. Kojima said “Iseki-sancho”. This time we hit three birds with one stone. That means that this time it was even better than “Iseki-nichou”.

At the time of application, Mr. Kyozo Chiba, an authority in the agricultural field, was appointed chairman, and together with the organizations involved, the Committee of the Kurayasu River and Hyakken River Irrigation and Drainage Facilities Council was formed.

This was a great achievement that we worked hard to win, mainly thanks to Mr. Murakami of this council’s secretariat. In addition, we asked Dr. Shunsuke Baba, professor emeritus of Okayama University, to check the academic aspects.

In the year of the 340th anniversary of the opening of the Kurayasu River (2019), the power of the local people came together and we received a fantastic gift.

On September 4, we were officially certified by the ICID at the 70th International Executive Council meeting at the Nusa Dua Convention Center in Bali, Indonesia. President Felix Britz Reinders presented Mr. Murakami and me with a registration certificate.

The reason for the registration as World Heritage is that the irrigation and drainage facilities of the Kurayasu and Hyakken rivers are "a wonderful example of a land reclamation to improve crop productivity and improve the standard of living of local farmers".The vast reclamation of Okishinden and other areas was evaluated.

In addition, we should mention that the following two points were highly evaluated: "The standard of living of the farmer in the region was improved" and "Making the dreams of the farmers and citizens of Okayama come true", These were the aims of Nagatada Tsuda.

In the future, we will try to register the Okayama Korakuen daimyo garden as World Cultural Heritage; and the Shizutani School, which was founded by Nagatada Tsuda under the direction of Lord Ikeda (Mitsumasa Ikeda), as World Educational Heritage.